Letter From the Founder

August 14, 2024

Family, friends, and neighbors,

I decided I should put my vision, as well as my intentions, down in writing for everyone to review and critique. We are just getting to know one another, so this should make the entire process much easier. It is without hesitation I choose to go on record saying I want nothing more than for myself, and my company, to be held accountable to the principles outlined in this letter.

Growing up in rural northwest Missouri, community first was a core value deeply ingrained in me. Surrounded by men that held this idea close to their heart, it was never an option or partial truth, simply a way of life that came to be a part of me. It was an unspoken principle, displayed through action only, which made it even more impactful. Every day I witnessed people giving of themselves to help others without a second thought. I developed a deep appreciation of “a greater good” and will carry it with me always. It is an ideal I have always put first in my professional career as well.

“Take care of your community, and the community will take care of you.
Take care of your people, and the business will take care of itself.”

The solar industry is dominated by companies based halfway across the country, where the utilization of solar energy has long been common practice. Expansion on that scale comes at a price, and it has become apparent that strong regional solar companies are in the best position for sustainable success. The midwest deserves a local company with long term intentions, committed to breaking the cycle. That’s precisely why No Coast Solar, along with all its agents, are local, and hold a vested interest in our community. Together, our vision of a brighter future can become reality. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little better. We look forward to working for you.

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